Jahresrückblick Games 2013 - Teil 2
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Podcast Timeline:
00:00:00 Moderation Fortsetzung
00:03:15 DOTA 2
00:14:15 Shadowrun Returns
00:16:15 OUYA + Steam Box
00:21:45 Pikmin 3
00:25:15 Dragon’s Crown
00:28:35 Tales of Exilia
00:32:45 Brothers
00:34:15 Papers, please
00:45:15 Saints Row IV
00:49:35 X-COM: The Bureau
00:53:15 Splinter Cell: Blacklist
00:57:55 GamesCom
01:07:05 Final Fantasy XIV
01:17:05 Diablo 3 Konsolenversion
01:22:00 The Wonderful 101
01:24:05 Grand Theft Auto V
01:30:15 Dragon’s Prophet
01:33:15 Wind Waker HD
01:37:15 Chartplätze 5 + 4 +3
01:42:15 Pokémon X/Y
01:45:15 Pause
01:46:15 NBA 2K14, Sportspiele + Snow
01:51:45 Beyond: Two Souls
02:04:00 F1 2013
02:07:15 Warface
02:11:15 Rocksmith 2014
02:17:00 Ace Attorney / Phoenix Wright
02:17:25 Batman Arkham Origins
02:19:15 Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag
02:23:00 Battlefield 4
02:26:15 PC-Ports, u.a. Deadly Premonition
02:30:45 XCOM: Enemy Within
02:33:45 Next-Gen-Konsolen, PS4 + XBox 1: noch enttäuschend
02:40:15 Ryse
02:41:15 Tearaway
02:45:15 Zelda: A Link between Worlds
02:45:50 Super Mario 3D World
02:51:45 Kickstarter: Broken Sword (Bathomets Fluch)
02:54:30 Gran Turismo 6
02:57:45 The Walking Dead - Season 2
03:00:45 Charts Top 3
03:10:15 Ausblick 2014
03:15:15 Verabschiedung
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